Project: Pipeline, Toronto 



Drilling mud - Pipeline placement


Client Issue

Mud freezes in Canada, especially in February.


Tanks equipped with steam coils, supplied by LimeGREEN Equipment.

The Challenge

Drilling mud is created when boring tunnels for pipeline placement.  The mud that is generated is heavily mixed with water. Under MOE regulations, the mud needs to meet specific “slump” test criteria for disposal. There are many methods for this solidification process however, the biggest challenge in Canada, in the winter months, is water freezes!  Frozen mud is impossible to process and can result in huge delays, which in turn, inevitably increases project costs.

Our Solution

LimeGREEN’s vast inventory of specialty tanks proves to be an asset to those involved in this project.  We provided the Pipeline Contractor with large volume frac tanks equipped with steam coils, which allowed the client to add steam, keeping the mud at a warm temperature.  The  project continued, although it was in the middle of February – on schedule and on budget!  





Day Turnaround

Delivered Units

Job completed – Another satisfied customer!

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